Un total de 16 pages a été trouvé avec le mot clé Jeepform.

Jeepform for Noobs

Auteur·trice Lizzie Stark
Année de publication 2012
Type de ressource
  • Article
Langue EN
Résumé The article introduces Jeepform, a Nordic LARP style, aimed at beginners. Jeepform focuses on structured, small-scale scenarios emphasizing narrative control, player collaboration, and emotional depth. It contrasts with traditional LARP by downplaying combat and physical action, instead prioritizing storytelling and character exploration. The piece explains key Jeepform techniques and offers practical advice for newcomers looking to engage with this style of immersive, experimental gameplay.

Dreamy Dreamation Recap

Auteur·trice Lizzie Stark
Année de publication 2012
Type de ressource
  • Article
Langue EN
Résumé The article provides a recap of Dreamation, a gaming convention known for its vibrant LARP community. It highlights the diversity of games, the camaraderie among participants, and the creativity displayed throughout the event. The piece reflects on memorable LARP experiences, showcasing how the convention fosters innovation and immersive storytelling. Dreamation stands out as a welcoming space for both new and experienced players to experiment with various LARP styles.

Le Dictionnaire jeepform

Auteur·trice Jeepers of Vi aker jeep | Trad Mathieu Rivero, Pierre Buty, Marine Schwab, Antoine Drouart
Année de publication 2012
Type de ressource
  • Article
Langue FR
Résumé Le jeepform est une forme de GN nordique freeform, originale et orientée vers la narration. Découvrez-le, rêvez avec les exemples de parties et, sans forcément y adhérer, tirez-en des idées pour les GN et les JdR sur table.

Long-Form Improv, Meet Larp.

Auteur·trice Lizzie Stark
Année de publication 2012
Type de ressource
  • Article
Langue EN
Résumé The article discusses the parallels between long-form improv and LARP, noting that both emphasize collaborative storytelling, structured scenarios, and character-driven narratives. In particular, long-form improv formats like "The Harold" and "ASSSSCAT" bear similarities to Jeepform LARPs, where structured storytelling and character depth allow for improvisation while retaining a coherent narrative. The author suggests that both art forms blend structure with spontaneity, fostering deep character engagement.
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Le formulaire numéro 0 indiqué dans la fiche n'existe pas (peut être a-t-il été supprimée entre temps ?)

Jeepform for Noobs

Author Lizzie Stark
Type of ressource
  • Article
Publication year 2012
Language EN
Resume The article introduces Jeepform, a Nordic LARP style, aimed at beginners. Jeepform focuses on structured, small-scale scenarios emphasizing narrative control, player collaboration, and emotional depth. It contrasts with traditional LARP by downplaying com

Dreamy Dreamation Recap

Author Lizzie Stark
Type of ressource
  • Article
Publication year 2012
Language EN
Resume The article provides a recap of Dreamation, a gaming convention known for its vibrant LARP community. It highlights the diversity of games, the camaraderie among participants, and the creativity displayed throughout the event. The piece reflects on memora

Le Dictionnaire jeepform

Author Jeepers of Vi aker jeep | Trad Mathieu Rivero, Pierre Buty, Marine Schwab, Antoine Drouart
Type of ressource
  • Article
Publication year 2012
Language FR
Resume Le jeepform est une forme de GN nordique freeform, originale et orientée vers la narration. Découvrez-le, rêvez avec les exemples de parties et, sans forcément y adhérer, tirez-en des idées pour les GN et les JdR sur table.

Long-Form Improv, Meet Larp.

Author Lizzie Stark
Type of ressource
  • Article
Publication year 2012
Language EN
Resume The article discusses the parallels between long-form improv and LARP, noting that both emphasize collaborative storytelling, structured scenarios, and character-driven narratives. In particular, long-form improv formats like "The Harold" and "ASSSSCAT" b
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